Microsite design - Ace Vs X
Adidas... a new client we had to impress, (our intial pitch design already helped bring them on board) so the next challenge was to keep them happy.
The campaign was about the new Adidas "Ace" and "X" football boot ranges. The client wanted to showcase both boots with equal exposure to users. This was difficult due to the fact each boot were actually being promoted individually with their own campaigns. So our idea evolved into a versus format pitting each boot against each other via a balanced yin yang design giving both boots time to shine. Another challenge was to not make users feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information about both ranges.
At the same time I decided to investigate the then "new" Adobe Edge Animate program to see how far we could take the technology at the time. We had a couple of non-coders on the team at the time so I wanted to know if they could build whole microsites with Edge as opposed to creating banners only.
Conclusion... manual build was the answer - to make this site work HTML/CSS/JS knowledge was needed, regardless of the challenges we faced building in Edge (including many crashes and a few hours of lost work), we pushed on to complete the final build for desktop which happily the client approved of very much. In the end we learned Edge was not to be bent to our will and trifled with, it really did not make anything quicker but a learning curve nonetheless :)
Check out the microsite experience here
Technologies used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Edge Animate, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3.
Design: Ka-Mei Cheung
Build: Alex Dimitrov