Sailor Jerry spiced rum was developed after loads of historical research into maritime rums. The all-natural spices and flavors we choose give our rum a smooth taste characterized by top notes of vanilla and cinnamon. More than anything else, it's our spicing that's responsible for the distinctive character, smoothness and versatility of our rum.
Sailor Jerry was born Norman Collins, but chose to define himself on his own terms. He simply wasn't one of those people born to live a middle-of-the-road life and he knew it. Back in the 1920's, when Collins came of age, tattooing was an expression that belonged to an emerging american counter culture. It was a mark of not blindly following the mainstream - of choosing to live outside the lines.
In 1991 , a frozen body was discovered with 57 tattoos. It was 5000 years old. Tattoos have also been found on mummies and 3,000-year-old figurings. In some ancient cultures, it was matter of religion. In others, it was a mark of wealth and aristocracy. In hawaii, tattoos were used to safeguard health (until stick-in-the-mud missionaries made them stop).